#blogUnmoderated tagAll postsTrending CommunitiesVibesLeoFinanceWorldmappinHIVE CN 中文社区SplinterlandsOlio di BalenaLifestylePhotography LoversActifitAlien Art HiveHive GamingBlack And WhiteExplore Communities...#blogTrendingHotNewPayoutsMutedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 hours ago五个世界之最的广佑寺:但是最吸引我的是......之前给大家介绍了我心心念几十年的东北第一高塔——辽阳白塔。辽阳白塔在白塔公园内,而除了白塔以及圆通禅院外,白塔公园内还有一个非常大的寺院,也是国家AAAA级景区,广佑寺。 我很确定的是,小时候奶奶带姐姐来玩的时候,应该并没有这个4A景区广佑寺,不然怎么没看到相关照片呢(当然了,也可能她们没有在寺院门口照相)。…curamax (76)in Foodies Bee Hive • yesterdayDining Experience at Andes by Astons: A Taste of Chargrilled Chicken!I deliberately dine at this place during off-peak hours because it’s often crowded. There’s always a long queue during peak hours, and to be honest, I don’t have the patience to wait in line just for food.oflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • yesterday东北第一高塔:辽阳白塔小时候每到寒暑假(主要是暑假),奶奶就会带上姐姐去辽阳的姑姑(奶奶的哥哥的女儿)家去小住一两周,让我羡慕得直想哭。 每到这时候,妈妈就会带我去隔壁乡镇的二姨家住上一段时间,算是带我度假了。 二姨家很好玩,有可以躲猫猫的粮仓,有可以整日戏水的大池塘,有数不清一起玩耍的小伙伴,有各种新鲜的蔬菜水果想吃就现摘,反正是有好多好多美好的回忆。…curamax (76)in Olio di Balena • 54 minutes agoFueling the Hive Journey: Finding Motivation and Purpose in Content CreationThere’s no doubt in my mind that content creation will remain a hobby I continue for years to come. It’s something I’ve been passionate about for the past decade, ever since I ventured into the sociallouis88 (78)in GEMS • 2 days ago7 years and more are coming! Happy Hive Birthday!!Wow, that happened fast. Today’s a special day for me! It's my birthday ! Well, not quite my actual birthday, but my Hive-Blockchain birthday . Today marks 7 years since I…claudio83 (80)in Olio di Balena • 5 hours agoÈ arrivato Carnevale È iniziato oramai il clima festivo di Carnevale! In città infatti è solito per i bambini riunirsi nella piazza principale della città e festeggiare la festività a colpi di…stayoutoftherz (78)in Deutsch D-A-CH • 23 hours agoDas Moonfox-x83 NachtsichtgerätLiebe Leser, ich wollte mir schon lange ein Nachtsichtgerät zulegen. Das kann in vielen Fällen nützlich sein, z.B. wenn man nachts unterwegs ist in der Natur, oder im Fall eines…nathyortiz (78)in Efemerides.com • 13 hours agoEFEMÉRIDES 26 de Enero •||• Día Mundial de la Educación Ambiental 🌿🌿🌿Bienvenidos a mi blog 👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑 Hola mis queridos amigos de Hive y esta comunidad en donde queremos exaltar todas las efemérides del mundo y las nacionales…alexa.art (79)Verified makeup artistin MakeUp Power • 7 hours agoBlossom skyHoy el título de este post no es precisamente porque mi intención era hacer un “Blossom Sky” realmente es porque asi se llama la sombra protagonista de hoy, no había tenido la…oflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago仿佛是昨天:和大学同学们聚会昨天晚饭前突然被一同学喊出去聚会,说是有唐某、黄某某以及一位女同学,话说这句攒得也太急了啊,好在选的地方离家不远,那就过去和同学们见见呗。 (图源 : pixabay ) 先插点无关紧要的话题,话说平时叫网约车等待时那出租车一辆接一辆的从旁边驶过,所以昨晚网约车三两分钟还没叫到车时,我就取消了叫网约车,打算随手打个出租车前往聚会一点。…dimeilaz (73)in Family & Friends • 5 hours agoCelebro la vida de una de mis profesoras favoritas, colega del colegio donde trabajo [ES | EN]¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi blog, chicos! El día de hoy les traigo un post en @liketu para mostrarles lo que viví el día de ayer celebrando el cumpleaños de una de las profesoras…sanjeevm (75)in Silver Bloggers • 19 hours agoRepublic Day CelebrationIndia celebrated 76th Republic day commemorating the adoption of our Constitution. And we celebrated the 76th Republic Day at our apartment society premises with limited…bxt (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 19 hours ago儿子回来了!😂其实儿子已经提前好多天就把航班号发给我了,后来又改签了,原本是半夜的飞机,改成了下午4点半,还好改了,否则今天的天气开始变了, 连续一段时间的小阳春,让冬天变的不像冬天,这次终于迎来了寒流,而且春节前后会降温很多,会很冷,有的地方降到零下10多度呢!…ileart (73)in Hive Food • 12 hours agoDelicious beef with roast potatoes[ENG||ESP]Sabroso almuerzo con carne y papas asadas, acompañado con una ensalada de pepinoericvancewalton (79)in #poetry • 19 hours agoThe Light That Remains (Original Poetry)A thin web of logic preserves a glimmer that abides, fragile threads holding steady against the weight of night. Despite the darkness of winter, or how heavy the frost…keilis (75)in Daily Blog • 7 hours agoUna semana ocupada - Te muestro un dia conmigo como mama y trabajando desde casaBIENVENIDOS A MI BLOG Spanish Hola amigos de Hive Espero que estén súper bien este nuevo día. Hoy quiero hacerles un pequeño resumen de lo que ha sido mi semana…qurator (80)in Qurator • 15 hours agoThe Daily Qurator #1750Welcome to the 1750th Edition of the Daily Qurator here on Hive! Our team is looking left and right for the awesome posts from all Hive users and are looking forward to…mrspointm (79)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 22 hours ago「生活」打工人的年终期待一年到头,没有什么事情比年终绩效、奖金、津贴发放更值得令人期待,打工人眼巴巴的望着那微薄又珍贵的年终收入,盼望了一天又一天。 说起来有点可怜,可其实大多数人心里就是这么想的。虽说现在很流行干副业,但真正赚钱的是少数人,真正赚的比主业收入还多的人又是极少数,很多人表面上云淡风轻,其实还真就等着年终收入过年呢,我这个打工人一放假就期盼着快点发钱~~…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 19 hours ago尘归尘,土归土年关到,姑母离开得不是时候。虽然我们海外的同胞,一般都被认为已经失去了传统文化,可是,当遇到这种不幸的事情,奇怪的是连已经信奉基督教的家属都会忽然“避忌” 🤔…solominer (80)in HiveGarden • 2 days agoOut growing the grow roomSeems like since I repotted many of these plants they are really waking up and putting on lots of growth. The pots the plants were shipped in were very small and seemed the…